Testimonials & Feedback

“Brought opposing positions together by dramatically revealing key elements he had identified which the parties had overlooked”

Counsel to a party

“Adapted to demands, he changes his methods”

Counsel to a party

“Addressed not merely the interests of the parties but their best interests”

Counsel to a party

“Assisted us to find an amicable solution”


“Helped parties to hear one another’s needs and interests”


“Provided valuable assistance throughout”


“Created an extremely creative atmosphere/showed he’d heard all parties”


“Please thank him for his open, flexible and frank manner!”


“Issue resolved in a totally respectful and professional way”


“Did an amazing job!”

Counsel to a party

“Listened with understanding and empathy”


“Enabled parties to speak and listen, didn’t insist on turn taking”

Counsel to a party

“Helped parties find their own solutions despite highly contentious, emotional issues”

Counsel to a party

“Permitted emotional parties to ‘go on and on’: it worked!”


“Excelled at setting out ideas that suited both parties”

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For mediations in which you have used Jeremy Lack’s services as a mediator or as a mediation advocate, please fill out an IMI Feedback Request Form. Every IMI mediator and mediation advocate is required to send a request for feedback following each mediation they conduct or participate in. Please take a few minutes to fill out the appropriate form for feedback regarding Jeremy Lack, whether as a mediator or as a mediation advocate:

For feedback on Jeremy Lack as a Mediator: See https://imimediation.org/feedback-request-form

For feedback on Jeremy Lack as a Mediation Advocate: See
Mediation Advocate Feedback Request Form 

The mediation advocacy feedback form can be downloaded using the following link:

IMI Mediation Advocacy Feedback Request Form – English

All feedback to IMI peer reviewers is kept confidential. Your forms should be sent directly to Jeremy’s IMI peer reviewer, who will compile your feedback into a biennial feedback digest that will anonymize your feedback.

Jeremy’s peer reviewer for Mediator feedback forms is: Joanna Kalowski (E-mail: jok@jok.com.au)

Jeremy’s peer reviewer for Mediation Advocate feedback forms is: Manon Schonewille (E-mail: manonschonewille@home.nl)

Your feedback will benefit other people seeking information and feedback on mediators and mediation advocates, so that they can be better informed when selecting mediators and mediation advocates to ensure that they are not only professionally competent and subject to a code of ethical conduct, but are also suitable for the type of mediation process being considered.

Thank you for agreeing to provide your feedback.