
Jeremy Lack has flexible rates that vary in accordance with the nature of each assignment. Fees for his ADR services as a mediator are normally split evenly by the participants. The following rates are indicative only, assuming a complex commercial matter:

  • Hourly Rate: CHF 695 (US$ 768 = EU€ 745 = GB£ 630)
  • Half Day Rate: CHF 2,800 (US$ 3,325 = EU€ 2,995 = GB£ 2,530)
  • Full Day Rate: CHF 5,600 (US$6,650 = EU€ 5,990 = GB£ 5,060)
  • Special rates are offered to start-ups, private individuals, and NGOs. Volume discounts may also apply.
  • Travel time is invoiced at 50% of hourly rate (for distances > 2 hours)
  • Swiss VAT (8.1%) and an administrative fee (3%) may be added to all invoices
  • These fees are normally shared equally by the parties in the event of a mediation, unless otherwise agreed to by them.

It is possible to pay online by PayPal. To pay online, please insert your payment reference and the amount to be paid in the PAYMENT FORM box provided below. Then click on the “MAKE PAYMENT” button. A 4% fee should be added to cover currency exchange rates and PayPal’s fees (i.e., the amount to be paid should be calculated as 104% x the fees above or any invoices received). Please note we can only accept payments in Swiss Francs (CHF) using this system.

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