Jeremy handles international negotiations, mediations, conciliations and arbitrations, and combined hybrid processes in a wide range of fields and industries. He also acts as settlement counsel or process design facilitator in assisting parties to design appropriate dispute resolution processes, taking into consideration time constraints, budgets, the value of the dispute, future business or personal relationships and any international considerations. This normally involves using a Guided Choice process, taking into account a wide range of corporate cultures, social and business considerations, and bringing in elements of the TRI-O/S model he has co-developed as part of his activities with Neuroawareness and the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences. He has advised individuals, partnerships, small and medium-sized enterprises, multinationals, governments, universities and state-owned entities and combinations of negotiating parties of widely differing sizes and means to obtain mutually satisfactory outcomes in faster, cheaper and better ways, leading to greater satisfaction by all concerned. For a copy of his IMI professional profile as a mediator and as a mediation advocate (including independently generated user feedback digests from his clients), please click here.

Services Include:

Process Advisor and Facilitator
  • Diagnosis of Appropriate Dispute Resolution (“ADR” )Options
  • ADR Process Design
  • Advising parties, counsel and institutions on possibly ADR processes
  • Mixed Mode ADR process design
  • Guided Choice Facilitator
Settlement Counsel
  • Collaborative Lawyer
  • Cooperative Lawyer
  • ADR counsel to parties
  • ADR advisor to litigation counsel
  • Advisor to parties wishing to avoid litigation
  • Interest-based negotiator
ADR Neutral
  • Mediator
  • Co-Mediator
  • Conciliator
  • Arbitrator
  • Mixed Mode ADR process design
  • Ombudsperson