Mr. Jeremy Lack

MA (Oxon)

  • Founder and Managing Director, INNOVADR LTD (CH)
  • Door Tenant Barrister at QUADRANT CHAMBERS (UK)
  • Former General Counsel to MINDMAZE and SONARSOURCE (CH)
  • Ombudsperson to DNDi (CH)
  • Global Coordinator of the Global Pound Conference Series


Certified ODR professional, used to working and resolving disputes online


Ranked by WHO’S WHO LEGAL as a national leader since 2010, as one of the ten most highly regarded mediators in 2011, as one of the most highly regarded firms in 2012 and 2013, and as a Global Elite Thought Leader from 2019-2024.



Jeremy Lack enjoys an “excellent reputation”, receiving “consistently outstanding feedback” for his outstanding experience as a commercial mediator and for his “tech-savviness”.


Jeremy Lack is a specialist in the field who is “absolutely recommended” as a “vastly experienced” commercial mediator.


“Mr. Lack is persuasive and empathetic. He knew how to bridge substantial differences.”

Counsel to a party

“Both counsel and the parties involved were very satisfied with the outcome of the mediation. The two companies will even continue to a certain extent to collaborate, which was not at all expected.”

Counsel to a Client

“He has an ability to bring the parties to understand each other and reinstate respect.”


“Excellent theoretical knowledge and ability to implement in practice, remaining practical and realistic.”

Client CEO

“The mediator understood very quickly the attitude of the parties and used very appropriate means to bring them to understand each other and reached a settlement in one meeting only. Frankly, I did not believe that it could be possible before the meeting and even during the beginning of the meeting.”


“Mr. Lack work together with a co-mediator. In addition to their personal talents, they were very complementary and knew how to rise to a difficult challenge and keep the parties working together during a mediation that was long and emotionally painful for some of the parties.”


“The mediation allowed us to understand the true personalities of the people involved in this family dispute.”

Client in a family mediation

“His particular talents are his charisma, sensitivity and imagination.”


“This mediator has the capacity to imagine novel solutions to help the parties to create their own solutions together”. / « Ce médiateur a la capacité d’imaginer des solutions inédites et à aider les parties à créer des solutions ensemble.”


“Jeremy was quite persistent in getting the parties to prepare appropriately and talk during the actual mediation. He was also flexible to structure the mediation in the way we required.”


“Mr. Lack is a skilful mediator who can elicit the relevant interests from each party which will permit the parties in most cases to find a solution addressing their respective interests.”

Counsel to a party

“The parties were able to settle the case as a result of their mediation with Mr. Lack after an ad-hoc arbitration proceeding and four judicial proceedings.”

Counsel to a party

“He understood the cultural gap between the parties (Russian and French). His particular skills include his understanding of business law and intellectual property.”

Counsel to a party

“Mr. Lack did an outstanding job balancing the disparate interests and cultural/language divides.”


“What was worthwhile participating in this mediation (independently of the result) was seeing Jeremy balance the very different American and European styles to mediation and conflict resolution)”

Counsel to a party in mediation

“Jeremy’s calming influence kept the entire affair civil throughout the day, which allowed the parties to enjoy a champagne celebration together following the successful conclusion.”


“Jeremy was able to keep the parties working together over the course of a gruelling 20 hour mediation and a seemingly impossible divide at the outset. He sensed the parties’ desire to accomplish something and continued to provide tools and constructive advice, which allowed the parties to keep working.”


“Jeremy is the most talented mediator I have ever worked with. His skill at bridging cultural and language differences is unsurpassed!!”

General Counsel of a US corporation, following a mediation

“His human interaction is great. I discovered a new process.”

Counsel to a party in mediation

“Jeremy’s decisive skills are his capacity to disappear from the discussion and to reappear to make people understand that the process is important, that success is not the only way out, but is always possible however far away are people’s positions. He also has an ability to express exactly the same thing in two different languages.”

Client advisor

“Jeremy was nothing short of impressive”


“I consider myself bilingual, Jeremy is more than fluent, his translation was perfect in the smallest details, and he was able to reconcile two opposite visions of business between a French approach and an American approach to mediation”

Advisor to a party in an institutional mediation

“Technically and on a personal level, he knows how to obtain the trust of all the parties”

Counsel to a party in mediation

“I strongly recommend to use Jeremy for IPR related topics in China and Asia. I have been working with Jeremy for a few occassions. Jermey has the ability to bring IPR related issues down to earth and make it to a practical topic as it needs to be in an Asian and Chinese environment.”

CEO at Sapa Chalco Aluminium Products

“Jeremy is an extremely thorough person with innovative ideas to dfficult problems”

Owner, diabetes technology consultants

“Jeremy is a visionary Intellectual Property Expert. He acted as an advisor to IC-Agency and provided us relevant advices on a broad variety of subjects, ranging from product strategy, to business development and intellectual property. I like to turn to Jeremy when I need to get independent and reliable advice. He has a natural ability to understand Internet.”

Founder & CEO at Digital Luxury Group (DLG)

“Jeremy has remarkable skills to fully understand complex situations including human issues. This enables him to come up with innovative solutions to resolve those situations smoothly.”

CEO at SonarSource

“Jeremy Lack is an extremely creative lawyer who knows how to focus on his clients’ interests to help them obtain outcomes that they would never have suspected were possible by using a traditional litigation approach. He helped me to settle a complex International IP dispute with issues in Europe and the USA (including In Rem proceedings) within 3 months and for a fraction of the cost I expected to pay.”

Trainer, Coach, OE-Berater

“Brought opposing positions together by dramatically revealing key elements he had identified which the parties had overlooked”

Counsel to a party

“Adapted to demands, he changes his methods”

Counsel to a party

“Addressed not merely the interests of the parties but their best interests”

Counsel to a party

“Assisted us to find an amicable solution”


“Helped parties to hear one another’s needs and interests”


“Provided valuable assistance throughout”


“Created an extremely creative atmosphere/showed he’d heard all parties”


“Please thank him for his open, flexible and frank manner!”


“Issue resolved in a totally respectful and professional way”


“Did an amazing job!”

Counsel to a party

“Listened with understanding and empathy”


“Enabled parties to speak and listen, didn’t insist on turn taking”

Counsel to a party

“Helped parties find their own solutions despite highly contentious, emotional issues”

Counsel to a party

“Permitted emotional parties to ‘go on and on’: it worked!”


“Excelled at setting out ideas that suited both parties”


“Empowered one party who had lost their voice while assisting the other to understand how they had contributed to the loss”


“Managed to direct parties to address huge gaps wisely, patiently and calmly”

Counsel to a party


Using Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR):
What, why, when, and how much?



Appropriate Dispute Resolution